Make 2010 a New Year for Kids!

About America SCORES

“A New Year for Kids!” is brought to you
by America SCORES, a national non-profit organization. Combining soccer, poetry, and service learning, our innovative after-school program helps at-risk kids fight obesity and illiteracy across the country.

Who we serve:

* more than 4,500 youth
* 14 affiliate cities
* 200 urban public elementary and middle schools
* 600 public school teachers

Today, America SCORES students:

* write more than 20,000 original literary works each year
* get 10 times more exercise than the national average
* publish their work in magazines
* participate in spoken word events in front of audiences of hundreds

Visit our website to learn more!

America SCORES New York's "Harlem Girls" get ready to perform at their Community Poetry Slam!

Want to get involved right away?

Click here to donate! or Email Katie (  for volunteer opportunities!